Recycled Art
For this project, we made fish out of pop cans and a bottle cap ocean scenery background. The students worked individually on the fish and that was the project that was graded. The background was put together using teamwork, but was not scored.
In order to make the fish, my partner and I crushed pop cans ahead of time. We then painted the fish the colors we desired. We required that the students use at least three colors and two patterns on their fish. The fins were made from construction paper. Finally, students were asked to write why it is important to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
In order to make the background scenery, we painted cardboard using tempera paint. When it was time to present, we asked the students to glue bottle caps of matching color onto the cardboard.
An extension project for this could be for the students to make a jungle themed project instead of or in addition to an ocean scenery. They could learn about how plastics and other types of pollution affect wildlife near our community. They could also somehow incorporate the bottles as well as caps and pop cans to reuse even more material.
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