Hidden Safari

This project allowed us to experiment with many different aspects of art such as cool colors, warm colors, patterns, and contour drawing. To begin, we made "ruby red glasses" with construction paper and cellophane. Next, we took a blank piece of paper and drew an animal upside down in blue colored pencil. Finally, we used warm colors (yellow, orange, and red) to create patterns over the blue image. I decided to make a lion surrounded by trees. We hung up the project with an index card giving three clues as to what the object is. This is a really neat project and my pictures don't do it justice.

An extension activity for this project is write short phrases or math equations under the patterns.
This activity reminded me of the board game, "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader." The answer to each question was written in blue while a red pattern covered it. We had to put a red sheet on top of the card to read the answer. Something like that could be done within the classroom.


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