
This is a hard project to describe. As a result, I will quote instructions and include pictures from a helpful website, listed below. The first thing we had to do was pick what colors of yarn we wanted and what pattern we were going to do. Next, we were given a small piece of square cardboard with two sides that were cut into. 

We used white yarn to string the loom. To do this, we wrapped yarn into the first notch on the upper left side. We left a few inches off to the side and taped to the back of the loom. Next we were told to "carry the thread down to the bottom left notch on the loom and pull it into that notch. Bring the thread back over to the front by bringing it up through the notch directly to the right of the leftmost bottom notch. Continue doing this all the way across the loom."

The next step was to begin weaving. We took yarn and put it through a needle, tying a knot around the needle to make it easier to weave. We weaved under, over, under, over, etc. until the whole row was filled with yarn. To begin the next row, we weaved a pattern opposite to the one we began with (if we went under first, we will go over this time). Rows should be pushed tightly together, 1/4 inch away from the top notch. 

To begin a new color, we simply tied the end of our yarn to the beginning of the next piece of yarn, cutting off any extra yarn. When we were finished weaving, it was time to add the fringes by using  more white yarn. We cut off a small piece of yarn and put it through one loop of the loom and tied a knot. The picture below shows the loop needed to put a piece of yarn into and tie a knot through. 

We were done with our coasters once all the loops from the loom were tied around to make a fringe. 

Students could make coasters using colors that represent a holiday. For example, they could use red and green yarn to make a Christmas coaster for a friend or family member. They could also learn about cool and warm colors by making a coaster using orange, yellow, and red (warm) or green, blue, and purple (cool). 

Website used for instructions and pictures:


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